Getting Started
Simple and customizable calendar that allows users to view the current day and navigate between different months. By using this plugin, you can easily create a calendar by adding a div element with a unique ID and calling the provided functions.
To add the calendar plugin into your project, you will need to include CSS and JS files that are situated in the JS/Plugins/Calendar and CSS/Plugins/Calendar directories.
Make sure that "null-components" CSS file is included in your project to ensure the proper styling of the calendar.
<div class="null-box-shadow null-padding-20 null-border-radius">
<div id="null-calendar"></div>
</div><!--End null-box-shadow-->
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {
const calendar = new NullCalendar('null-calendar');
You can retrieve all of today's events using your server-side programming language, and subsequently display them under the calendar.
Today's Events
Title: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Title: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
<div class="null-box-shadow null-padding-20 null-border-radius">
<div id="null-calendar-2"></div>
<div class="null-margin-top-10">
<span class="null-font-weight-bold null-font-size-25 null-color-main">Today's Events</span>
<div class="null-background-light-grey null-padding-10 null-border-radius null-margin-top-10">
<b>Title: </b> <span>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</span>
</div><!--End null-background-light-grey-->
<div class="null-background-light-grey null-padding-10 null-border-radius null-margin-top-10">
<b>Title: </b> <span>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</span>
</div><!--End null-background-light-grey-->
</div><!--End null-margin-top-10-->
</div><!--End null-box-shadow-->
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {
const calendar2 = new NullCalendar('null-calendar-2');
CSS Variables:
Variable Name: --null-calendar-inactive-color
Variable Value: #aaa
Variable Name: --null-calendar-active-color
Variable Value: var(--null-color-white)
Variable Name: --null-calendar-active-background
Variable Value: var(--null-color-main)