Color Converter

Experience the versatility of our Color Converter tool, designed to seamlessly transmute color codes across multiple formats. Whether you're working with RGB, Hexadecimal, or HSL color codes, our dynamic converter can interchange between these formats.

Hexadecimal (Hex) Color Codes:

Hex color codes are a way of specifying colors using hexadecimal values. The codes start with a hash symbol (#) followed by six digits that contain combinations of numbers and letters (from '0' to '9' and 'A' to 'F'). The first two digits represent the red component, the next two green, and the last two blue. The minimum value for each color is 00 (which is the lowest possible, equivalent to a complete absence of that color), and the maximum is FF (in decimal 255), which represents the highest possible concentration of that color.

Example: #FF0000 is pure red.

RGB Color Codes:

RGB stands for Red Green Blue. Colors in RGB are represented as a combination of these three primary colors. Each of the Red, Green and Blue light levels is represented by a number between 0 and 255. A higher number means more light, resulting in a brighter color.

Example: rgb(255, 0, 0) is pure red.

HSL Color Codes:

HSL stands for Hue, Saturation, and Lightness. In HSL color space, colors are represented by three values:

Hue: This is represented as an angle on the color circle (from 0 to 360 degrees, though some systems use 0-100%). 0 (or 360) is red, 120 is green, and 240 is blue.

Saturation: This is represented as a percentage (from 0 to 100%). 0% is a shade of gray and 100% is the full color.

Lightness: This is also represented as a percentage (from 0 to 100%). 0% lightness is black, 100% lightness is white, and 50% lightness is neither light nor dark.

Example: hsl(0, 100%, 50%) is pure red.